Tuesday, December 10, 2024

One Word Substitution (शब्दसमूहाबद्दल एक शब्द) भाग 1


 One Word Substitution (शब्दसमूहाबद्दल एक शब्द) भाग 1



1. "Collection of stars"-Constellation – नक्षत्र

2. A bird that comes & goes with season - Migratory -स्थलांतर करणारा

3. A book or writing not bearing the name of the writer-Anonymous- अनामिक

4. A brief summery of book-Epilogue – उपसंहार

5. A building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows- Monastery – मठ

6. A careful preservation & protection of - Conservation संरक्षण

7.  A cessation of active use of arms signifying a short period of force-Armistice – शस्त्रसंधी

8. A Chemical used for surface cleaning - Detergent निर्मलक

9. A child born after the death of his father, a book published after death-Posthumous मरणोत्तर

10. A Child who has lost one or both of its parents by death-Orphan – पोरके,अनाथ

11. A cinema show held in the afternoon-Matinee - दुपारचा प्रयोग

12. A Country etc. which is very distant – Remote - लांबचा, दूरचा

13. A crying evil-A deep rooted evil – कुप्रथा

14. A decision which cannot be changed or modified - Irrevocable अंतिम

15. A declaration of Government or a political party - Manifesto – जाहीरनामा

16. A diplomatic minister of the highest order sent by one country or another-Ambassador – दूत

17. A disease attaching many people at the same time -Epidemic – साथ 

18. A disease that is communicated by contact- Contagious स्पर्शजन्य / संपर्कजन्य

19. A disease which attacks a whole country or the world-Pandemic व्यापक रोग

20. A disease which can spread one person to another-Infectious – संसर्गजन्य

21.  A disease which is commonly caught from others - contagious संपर्कजन्य

22. A feeling of deep regret usually for some misdeed - Pang of conscience – पश्चाताप

23. A fictitious pen name used by an author - Pseudonym – टोपणनाव

24. A former student – Alumna – माजी विद्यार्थिनी

25. A four legged animal-Quadruped – चतुष्पाद

26. A game or battle in which neither party wins- Draw - अनिर्णीत (सामना)

27. A gesture of respect & devotion - Homage- आदरांजली

28. A good explanation for one's extraordinary behavior - Account for - कारणमीमांसा करणे

29. A government by one man - Autocracy - हुकूमशाही

30. A government official – bureaucrat – नोकरशाही

31. A government which is not connected with religious or spiritual matter Secular – धर्मनिरपेक्ष

32. A hater of marriage – Misogynist – विवाहबांधनाचा तिरस्कार करणारा

33. A large cage or building where birds are kept- Aviary – पक्ष्यांचा पिंजरा

34. A letter of persons position and trust worthiness - Credential विश्वासपात्र

35. A letter, poem, prose etc. whose author is unknown- Anonymous  - निनावी

36. A lightweight, hooded, thigh-length waterproof jacket. Cagolue- डोक्यावरुन घेण्यासारखे मांड्यांपर्यंत असणारे जॅकेट

37. A loss or damage that cannot be compensated for - Irreparable - भरून न येणारे

38. A lyric poem of some length usually of a serious /meditative nature – Ode स्त्रोत

39. A man of odd habits – Eccentric – वाईट चालीचा

40. A man of unusual habit- eccentric – विक्षिप्त

41.  A man ruled by his wife-Hen pecked – बायकोच्या ताब्यातील

42. A man who has lots of investment in the private sector - Capitalist – भांडवलदार

43. A man who has no money – Impecunious -  कंगाल

44. A man who is very enthusiastic for his own religion and hates other religion beliefs Fanatic - धर्मांध, धर्मवेडा

45. A man who receives guests-Host - यजमान

46. A man working merely for money-Mercenary - पोटार्थी

47. A masculine woman – Amazon – वीरांगणा

48. A mechanic or craftsman who has acquired skill in a particular craft – Artisan – कारागीर

49. A medicine that kills germs - Germicide- जंतुनाशक

50. A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs - Antiseptic – पूतिनाशक

51. A millionaire A person - Who is very rich लक्षाधीश

52. A person chose by the parties to settle their difference – Mediator – मध्यस्थ

53. A person of reserved nature Reticent – अबोल

54. A person or organization which is declared in law as unable to pay their debts - Bankrupt – कफल्लक

55. A person skilled in foreign languages – Linguist - भाषा अभ्यासक

56. A person studying the culture of primitive societies - Anthropologist - मानव वंश शास्त्रज्ञ

57. A person suffering from nervous break down- Neurotic – अतिसंवेदनाक्षम

58. A person who attacks established beliefs or customs - Iconoclast - जुन्या चालीरीतीवर हल्ला करणारा

59. A person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions - Iconoclast- प्रस्थापित समजुती

60. A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining- Stoic उदासीन

61. A person who cannot pay off his debts- Insolvent - नादार, कर्ज फेडू न शकणारा

62. A person who changes his party/or principles- Turncoat दलबदलू

63. A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country-Immigrant- दुसऱ्या देशातून आलेला.

64. A person who compiles dictionaries - Lexicographer- शब्दकोशकार

65. A person who dislikes other people - Misanthrope मानवद्वेष्टा

66. A person who eats or believe in eating meat- Non-vegetarian – मांसाहारी

67. A person who eats the flesh of other human beings - cannibal नरभक्षक

68. A person who helps those who are in trouble-Philanthropist - लोकोपकारी

69. A person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally or into sign language- Interpreter दुभाषिक

70. A person who is a hundred or more years old is called - Centenarian - शंभर किंवा त्यापेक्षा जास्त वयाची व्यक्ती

71. A person who is guilty of heresy - Heretic- बंडखोर

72. A person who is indifferent to pain or pleasureStoic – तितिक्षू

73. A person who is well versed in law-Jurist- कायदेपंडित

74. A person who pry into other people's affairs - Snoop गुप्तचर

75. A Person who studies celestial bodies at night- An astronomer – खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ

76. A person who studies the formation of the earth - Geologist - भूगर्भ शास्त्रज्ञ

77. A person who supports popular sentiments and fears-Populist – लोकप्रिय

78. A person who uses his both hands well- Ambidextrous - दोन्ही हात वापरणारा

79. A person with a bad reputation-Notorious -कुविख्यात

80. A person with a long experience in any occupation - Veteran – अनुभवी

81. A person working for money & reward Professional व्यावसायिक

82. A place where a wild animal lives – Lair – गुहा

83. A place where weapons and ammunition are stored-arsenal – शस्त्रागार

84. A place where young children are cared for during the working day – Nursery -शिशुवर्ग

85. A poem that has 14 lines, each containing 10 syllables, and a fixed pattern of rhyme – Sonnet - गाथा

86. A post for which no salary is paid - Honorary- मानद

87. A practicing psychologist - Psychiatrist – मानसोपचारतज्ज्ञ

88. A printed version on paper of data held in a computer - Hard copy – सत्यप्रत

89. A recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit – Kleptomaniac – चोरीची इच्छा असणारा.

90. A regular traveler - Commuter – दैनंदिन प्रवासी

91. A remedy for all diseases Panacea – रामबाण उपाय

92. A room for storing grains Granary – धान्याचे कोठार

93. A ruler who uses force to make people obey him-Dictator – हुकूमशहा

94. A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead - Elegy- शोकगीत

95. A sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something-Scepticism अविश्वास

96. A secret agent employed to watch others -Spy - पैसे देऊन दुसऱ्यावर नजर ठेवण्यासाठी नेमलेला गुप्तचर

97. A short & meaningful & weighty saying - Epigram म्हणी

98. A short stay at a place – Sojourn – मुक्काम

99. A short, usually amusing story about some real person or event - Anecdote - एखाद्या वास्तविक व्यक्ती/ प्रसंगाचे आनंददायी वर्णन - उपाख्यान

100.A song embodying religious and sacred emotions - Hymn स्तोत्र

101.A sound that cannot be heard - Inaudible – अश्राव्य

102.A speech delivered without any previous preparation – Extempore – उत्स्फूर्त भाषण

103.A speech made for the first time - Maiden speech - प्रथम वक्तव्य

104.A state of complete continence on the pan of a woman – Virginity कौमार्य

105.A state of perfect balance-Equilibrium – समतोल

106.A statement not likely to be true - Dubious – शंकास्पद

107.A story that can hardly be believed - Incredible – अविश्वसनीय

108.A story, play,poem, picture in which the events and characters are used as symbols in order express moral, religious or political idea - Allegory रुपक

109.A story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one – Allegory – रुपक

110.A study of German literature - Gerministic Study- जर्मन भाषेचा अभ्यास

111.A substance capable of being seen through- Transparent पारदर्शक

112.A substance that is fit to be eaten – Edible -खाद्यपदार्थ

113.A sum paid to a man for a piece of work - Remunation मोबदला

114.A tank for fish – aquarium – मत्स्यालय

115.A tendency to be unfair to one side and to sympathies with the other – Partiality पक्षपातीपणा

116.A thief who steals without using violence- Pilferer उचक्का

117.A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes- Invisible – अदृश्य

118.A thing which is not soluble - in soluble – अविद्राव्य

119.A trade that is prohibited by law-Illicit – अवैध

120.A vivacious person-lively – जोमदार

121.A willingness to take bold risks - audacity – धाडसी

122.A wooden stand on which dead body is carried - Bier - प्रेत वाहून नेण्याचा लाकडी ढाचा.

123.A word no longer in use-Obsolete – अप्रचलित

124.A writing that cannot be read- Illegible – दुर्वाच्य

125.Absence of Government – Anarchy – अराजक

126.Allowance due to wife from her husband after separation – Alimony – पोटगी

127.Ambivalent – Hedonism – विलासवादी

128.An area of land for the burial of dead people- Cemetery – कब्रस्तान

129.An assembly of hearers – Audience श्रोते

130.An establishment for the medical treatment of people who are convalescing or have a chronic illness - Sanatorium – आरोग्यआश्रम

131.An examination of a body after death - Postmortem शवपरीक्षा

132.An experienced and trusted adviser - a mentor – समुपदेशक

133.An individual, company, accused in a court of law – Defendant प्रतिवादी

134.An object which has no life - Inanimate- मृत,निर्जीव

135.An office or a post with no work but high pay-Sinecure -लठ्ठ पगार परंतु काम कमी

136.An official pardon for offenders - Amnesty- सर्वसाधारण माफी

137.An ophthalmologist or optician – Oculist नेत्रवैद्य

138.An organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species causes harm to its host- Parasite – परजीवी

139.An unmarried old woman-Spinster – अविवाहित स्त्री

140.An unmarried woman who seems unlikely to marry - Spinster - लग्न न झालेली प्रौढ स्त्री  

141.An unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage – Spinster अविवाहित स्त्री

142.An unmarried woman-Spinster – अविवाहित स्त्री

143.Animal living in water-Aquatic – पाण्यात राहणारे प्राणी,जलचर

144.Animal or plant depending on another plant or animal-Parasite बांडगूळ

145.Animal which live on fish – Piscivorous मत्स्याहारी

146.Animal which lives on meat -Carnivorous – मांसाहारी

147.Animals that eat both flesh and grass- Omnivorous – मिश्राहारी

148.Animals which can live on land & in water- Amphibious उभयचर

149.At once without preparation - Impromptu – उत्स्फूर्त

150.Belief in the existence of God – Deism आस्तिक

151.Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth - Congental - जन्मजात, उपजत

152.Belonging to a class between gentry & the labourers – Bourgeois पांढरपेशा

153.Ceremony to give powers – Investiture अधिकार बहाल करणे.

154.Chemistry in ancient times -Alchemy – प्राचीन रसायनशास्त्र

155.Concerning marriage - Matrimonial – विवाहविषयक

156.Concluding part of literary work - Epilogue – समारोप

157.Connected with cooking – Culinary – पाककला

158.Connoisseur- Ambivalent एकाच वेळी एका व्यक्तीबदल दोन परस्परविरोधी भावना एकत्र असणारा

159.Contrary (against) to the law – Illegal अवैध

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