One Word Substitution (शब्दसमूहाबद्दल एक शब्द) भाग 2


161.Dead body of a human being – Corpse – प्रेत,शव
162.Deserving blame – Culpable – दोषार्ह
163.Diamond year-60 years – हिरकमहोत्सव
164.Disbelief in the existence of God - Atheism - नास्तिक वाद
165.Disrespectful language about God or holy things - Blaspheme - ईश निंदा
166.Done without being planned or rehearsed – Impromptu – उत्स्फूर्त
167.Drugs which cause vomiting-Emetic- उलट्या होणारे औषध
168.Efforts done with critical awareness-Conscious efforts - सावध, जाणीवपूर्वक
169.Extremely refined in dress, conduct & speech- Sophisticated – सुसंस्कृत
170.Extremely showy & colourful personality valuable & verbose speech - Flamboyant – भपकेबाज
171.Fear of being shut up in a small enclosed space - Claustrophobia - बंदीस्त जागेत भीती वाटणारा एक रोग.
172.Fear of being shut up in a small enclosed space- Claustrophobia - बंद असलेल्या ठिकाणाबद्दल वाटणारे भय
173.Fictitious tales - Fable - काल्पनिक कथा
174.Fierce, violent, and uncontrolled - Savage- जंगली
175.Fit to be elected/selected – Eligible – अनुरूप
176.Fruit or sweet dish usually taken after lunch- Dessert -मिठाई
177.Full power in the hands of one man-Autocracy – हुकूमशाही
178.Giving big hand to someone and cheering - Applause - टाळ्यांचा गजर
179.Goods which import-export is prohibited by law- Contraband- आयात-निर्यातीवर बंदी असलेला
180.Government by a king or queen-Monarchy- राजेशाही
181.Government by nobles Aristocracy - उच्चवर्गीयांचे शासन
182.Government by the officials - Bureaucracy – नोकरशाही
183.Government by the people - Democracy – लोकशाही
184.Happening at the same time-Simultaneous- एकसमयावच्छेदी
185.Happening every year – Annual – वार्षिक
186.Having a similar nature - Homogeneous – एकजिनसी
187.Having much wealth-Opulent – श्रीमंत
188.Having or showing a sardonic sense of humour- Pawky - उपहासात्मक विनोद
189.Having softly-shining quickly-changing colours -Opalescent – इंद्रधनुषी
190.Having sole rights – Monopolist – मक्तेदारी
191.High jacked-Carried away by force – अपहरण
192.Highly respected to be attacked - Inviolable- पवित्र, आदरणीय
193.Ignorant and irrational belief-Superstition – अंधश्रद्धा
194.Inability to see distant objects clearly- Myopia - निकट दृष्टी दोष
195.Incapable of being approached-Inaccessible – दुर्गम
196.Incapable of being seen - Invisible - अदृश्य
197.International destruction of racial groups - Genocide – वंशविच्छेद
198.Journey for a specific purpose – Expedition – मोहीम
199.Killing one's own self-Suicide – आत्महत्या
200.Lack of blood or poorness of blood – Anemia – रक्तक्षय
201.Lasting for a very short while – Transient – क्षणभंगुर
202.List of books & writings of one author/about one subject – Bibliography – ग्रंथसूची
203.Literary theft or passing of an author's original work as one's own-Plagiarism – कल्पनाचौर्य
204.Living at the same time - Contemporary – समकालीन
205.Living for years and years – Perennial – बारमाही,बरीच वर्षे
206.Living the life of a nomad; wandering - Nomadic – भटकी
207.Looking forward hopefully-Expecting – अपेक्षा करणे
208.Marrying more than one husband at a time - Polyandry – बहुपतिकत्व
209.Marrying more than one woman - Polygamy – बहुपत्नीत्व
210.Marrying one husband or one wife at a time- Monogamy – एकपत्नीत्व
211.Murder of a king – Regicide – राजवध
212.Murder of child-Infanticide – बालहत्या
213.Murder of human being – Homicide – मनुष्यवध
214.Murder of one's brother – Fratricide – बंधुवध
215.Murder of one's father-Patricide – पितृवध
216.Murder of One's mother-Matricide – मातृवध
217.Not having enough money to pay debts - Insolvent – दिवाळखोर
218.not used for growing crops - Fallow-land – पडीक
219.Notice of death, especially in news paper - Obituary – श्रद्धांजली
220.Of evil reputation-Notorious – कुप्रसिद्ध
221.Of one's own free will – Voluntary – ऐच्छिक
222.One employed to drive a vehicle - Chauffeur- पगारी खाजगी वाहन चालक
223.One who abstains from intoxicants - Teetotaler - दारू न घेणारा
224.One who attacks widely held beliefs & customs -Iconoclast – सुधारणावादी
225.One who attempts a task jointly with another- Collaborator - साथीदार, सहकारी
226.One who begins something for the first time - A pioneer -प्रणेता,उद्गाता
227.One who believes in the existence of God- Theist – आस्तिक
228.One who believes whatever is told to him - Credulous - भोळसर, दुधखुळा
229.One who can speak two languages - Bilingual – द्विभाषिक
230.One who cannot be corrected - Incorrigible- निगरगट्ट
231.One who cannot be satisfied-Insatiable – अतृप्त
232.One who cannot make mistake - Infallible- अस्खलित, अच्युत
233.One who cannot read or write – illiterate – निरक्षर
234.One who deserts a high religious post- Apostate - स्वधर्म त्यागी
235.One who devours too much-Glutton – खादाड
236.One who does not care for literature or art - Philistine – अरसिक
237.One who draws or paints a picture-Painter – रंगचित्रकार
238.One who eats anything-Omnivorous – सर्वभक्षक
239.One who eats only vegetable food - Vegetarian – शाकाहारी
240.One who embraces voluntary death for the sake of one's country – Martyer – हुतात्मा
241.One who entertains his guests well-Hospitable- आतिथ्यशील
242.One who goes through without permission - Trespasser – अतिचारी
243.One who has love-affairs with many - Philanderer - अनेकांशी शारीरिक संबंध असणारा
244.One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views - Bigot- दुराग्रही
245.One who hates the whole human race - Misanthropist – मानवद्वेषी
246.One who holds established opinions-Orthodox – सनातन
247.One who is a great orator & leader – Demagogue – वक्ता
248.One who is all powerful - Omnipotent – सर्वशक्तिमान
249.One who is appreciated by everyone - Popular - लोकप्रिय
250.One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain-Stoic-स्थितप्रज्ञ, तितिक्षू
251.One who is neophyte in any business or profession – Novice – अननुभवी
252.One who is not easily pleased by anything -Fastidious – चोखंदळ
253.One who is present every where- Omnipresent – सर्वव्यापी
254.One who is sad for being away from home - Home sick - घरापासून दूर असल्यामुळे दुःखी असलेला
255.One who is too much like a woman -Effeminate- बायकी
256.One who journeys to sacred place- Pilgrim – यात्रेकरू
257.One who knows everything – Omniscient – सर्वज्ञानी
258.One who knows many languages - A linguist- भाषा अभ्यासक
259.One who lends money at exorbitant interest - usurer – सावकार
260.One who looks at dark side of life-Pessimist -निराशावादी
261.One who looks at the bright side of things- Optimist - आशावादी
262.One who makes an official examination of accounts - Auditor – लेखापरीक्षक
263.One who moves from one place to another- Migratory - स्थलांतर करणारा
264.One who plans or designs building-Architect- गृहशिल्पी
265.One who possesses several talents or gifts - Versatile – हरहुन्नरी
266.One who pursues some art or sport as a hobby - Amateur – हौशी
267.One who sells goods in small quantities - Retailer - किरकोळ विक्रेता
268.One who speaks on behalf of others - Spokesperson -प्रवक्ता
269.One who spends too little-Miser – कृपण
270.One who spends too much-Spendthrift – खर्चिक
271.One who studies elements of weather- Meteorologist – हवामानशास्त्रज्ञ
272.One who studies elements of whether - Metrologist - हवामान शास्त्रज्ञ
273.One who studies the sky & the stars - Astronomer - खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ
274.One who takes pleasure in cruel, inhuman acts of tyranny-Sadist - विकृत मनुष्य
275.One who thinks & talks too much about himself - Egoist – अहंमन्य
276.One who thinks of the welfare of women - Feminist – स्त्रीवादी
277.One who very easily gets angry – Irritable – चिडका
278.One who visits planets-Astronaut – अंतराळवीर
279.One who walks in sleep-Somnambulist – झोपेत चालणारा
280.One who walks on foot-Pedestrian – पादचारी
281.Only the spoken language-Colloquial – बोलीभाषा
282.Original model – Prototype – मूळ प्रतिमा
283.Papers written by hand or manually - Manuscript – हस्तलिखित
284.Part of the theatre where the spectators sit- Auditorium - प्रेक्षागृह
285.People who watch a match or a show are called - Spectators – प्रेक्षक
286.People working together in the same office or department-Collegues – सहकारी
287.Perceptible by touch decimate clear and intelligible – Tangible – स्पर्शज्ञेय
288.Power in the hands of parliament - Plutocracy – संसदाधिकार
289.Produced or born or made within the country without foreign collaboration - Indigenous - स्थानिक
290.Property inherited from one's father or ancestor – Patrimony - वडीलोपार्जीत
291.Put your energy for work-Act on- कार्य करणे
292.Repeating the actual words exactly- Verbatim - शब्दश:
293.row of keys – bank – जुडगा
294.Science of pronunciation, or vocal sounds - Phonology – उच्चारशास्त्र
295.Showing great strength-Herculean – बलवान
296.Sole right to make and sell some invention - Patent - व्यक्ती अधिकार
297.Some previous example from the past - Precedent - पूर्वोदाहरण, शिरस्ता
298.Someone who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another- Poacher – शिकार चोर
299.Someone who is imprisoned for the fulfillment of on agreement – Hostage – ओलीस
300.Someone who shows no feelings of dislike- Stoic – उदासीन
301.Someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own – Plagiarist – कल्पना चोर
302.Something that is sure to happen - Inevitable – अटळ
303.Speaking aloud to oneself – Soliloquy – स्वगत
304.State of growth between boyhood & Youth- Adolescence – पौगंडावस्था
305.Study of languages-Philology – भाषाशास्त्र
306.Study of the relation of living things to environment - Ecology – पर्यावरण
307.Substances which kill insects & germs - Insecticides – कीटकनाशक
308.Tending to cause ill-will-Invidious – अनिच्छा,अपमानजनक
309.Testing of a person's conduct, qualities abilities -Probatione– परिवीक्षा
310.That we cannot do without – Indispensable – अनिवार्य
311.That which breaks easily – Brittle – ठिसुळ
312.That which cannot be believed-Incredible- अविश्वसनीय
313.That which cannot be conquered - Insurmountable – दुर्लंघ्य
314.That which cannot be corrected – Incorrigible - कोडगा, दुरुस्त न होण्यासारखा
315.That which cannot be described adequately - Indescribable – अवर्णनीय
316.That which cannot be explained - Inexplicable - न उलगडणारा
317.That which cannot be heard-Inaudible – अश्राव्य
318.That which cannot be rub off-Indelible – खोडून टाकण्यास अशक्य
319.That which catches fire easily-Inflammable - ज्वालाग्राही
320.That which causes death – Fatal – जिवघेणा
321.That which is all inclusive or complete unit- Exhaustive – परिपूर्ण
322.That which is most likely to happen in immediate future-Imminent - तोंडाशी आलेला
323.That which is not recognized by the law – Illegitimate – निषिद्ध
324.the act of killing a human being - homicide- मनुष्यवध
325.The act of provoking-Instigation – चिथावणी
326.The action of looking back on past events - Retrospection – सिंहावलोकन
327.The art of flight – Aeronautics – उड्डानशास्त्र
328.The art of hand writing-Calligraphy – अक्षरलेखन
329.The art of spelling words correctly is called- Orthography – शुद्धलेखन
330.The art practiced by ambassadors - Diplomacy -मुत्सद्देगिरी, राजनीती
331.The body of government which maintains law and order and implements laws made by the legislature -Executive – कार्यकारी
332.The branch of medicine concerned with children – Paediatrics – बाल चिकित्सा
333.The life story of a person-Biography – चरित्र
334.The official decision made by a jury in a court of law – Verdict – निवाडा,अधिमत
335.The original inhabitants of the place-Aborigines - मूळ रहिवाशी
336.The philosophy of fine arts - Aesthetics – सौंदर्यशास्त्र
337.The place where cricket is played - Pitch - खेळपट्टी, धावपट्टी
338.The place which is very difficult to reach - Inaccessible – दुर्गम
339.The quality of being fanatical - Fanaticism – अंधाधुंदता
340.The representation of abstract ideas or principles by character to show some thing different - Allegory - रुपक
341.The right to vote elections Franchise – मताधिकार
342.The science of bee-keeping or cultivation & maintenance of beehives - Apiculture – मधुमक्षिका पालन शास्त्र
343.The science of history & development of languages-Philology – भाषाविज्ञान
344.The science of the origin and cultural development of mankind-Anthropology- मानवशास्त्र
345.The science which studies the crust of the earth -Geology – भुगर्भशास्त्र
346.The science which studies the physical body- Physiology - शरीरक्रिया विज्ञान
347.The state of remaining unmarried-Celibacy- ब्रह्मचर्य
348.The story of one's own life written by oneself- Autobiography – आत्मचरित्र
349.The study of coins – Numismatics – नाणेशास्त्र
350.The study of origin of words-Etymology – अक्षरशास्त्र
351.The study of sound – Acoustics – ध्वनिशास्त्र
352.The whole mass of air surrounding the earth- Atmosphere - वातावरण
353.Those who believe readily-Credulous – भोळसर
354.Through which light cannot pass-Opaque – आपारदर्शक
355.To accuse or charge a person - Indictment – आरोपपत्र
356.To banish or turn out some one from society & fellowship – Ostracize – बहिष्कृत
357.To be more beautiful, splendid or flamboyant than any one – Outshine – च्या पेक्षा जास्त
358.To destroy completely-Annihilate – विध्वंस करणे
359.To give one's authority to another - Delegate – प्रतिनीधी
360.To give something for loss or damage - Compensate - नुकसान भरपाई
361.To give up entirely – Renounce – त्याग करणे
362.To give up the throne or other office of dignity- Abdicate - पदत्याग करणे
363.To lay special stress on – Emphasize – जोर देणे
364.To make atonement for one's sins - Expiate- प्रायश्चित्त
365.To mitigate or lessen the suffering or pain- Alleviate – उपशमन
366.To receive & give mutually Reciprocate - आदानप्रदान करणे
367.To seize by authority-Confiscate – जप्ती
368.To sent out of one's native country - Exile – हद्दपारी
369.To understand something completely - Assimilate - आत्मसात करणे
370.Too strong to be defeated- Invincible – अजिंक्य
371.Trade by exchanging- Barter – वस्तूविनिमय
372.Unable to be changed or improved - Incorrigible - दुरुस्त न होणारा
373.Unable to be heard-Inaudible – अश्राव्य
374.Unreasonable dislike of foreign people customs, etc - Xenophobia -परदेशी व्यक्तीचा तिरस्कार करणारा
375.very old fashioned, belonging to much earlier period. – archaic – प्राचीन
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