Wednesday, April 3, 2024

100 common simple anagrams

     list of 100 common simple anagrams



1.    cat = act

2.    dog = god

3.    stop = pots

4.    listen = silent

5.    post = spot

6.    race = care

7.    note =  tone

8.    read = dare

9.    earn = near

10.  spare = spear

11.  mood = doom

12. team = mate

13. live = evil

14. tired = tried

15. brag = grab

16. ours = sour

17. dream = armed

18. horse = shore

19. stale = least

20. anger = range

21. share = shear

22. petal = plate

23. are = ear

24. cider = cried

25. table = bleat

26. plane = panel

27. broad = board

28. tea = eat

29. flow = wolf

30. grace = cage

31. steer = trees

32. sleep = peels

33. shoot = sooth

34. war = raw

35. vase = save

36. star = rats

37. note = tone

38. diary = dairy

39. lake = leak

40. pale = leap

41. fear = fare

42. arm = ram

43. was = saw

44. stone = notes

45. meat = team

46. earth = hater

47. trust = strut

48. sport = ports

49. care = race

50. break = baker

51. artist = strait

52. devil = lived

53. beast = baste

54. alter = later

55. bread = beard

56. tab = bat

57. plate = pleat

58. won = now

59. nap = pan

60. night = thing

61. blow = bowl

62. needs = dense

63. skill = kills

64. snail = nails

65. react = crate

66. clean = lance

67. optic = topic

68. inch = chin

69. strip = trips

70. team = meat

71. last = salt

72. waits = waist

73. lump = plum

74. state = taste

75. below = elbow

76. keen = knee

77. pat = tap

78. sink = skin

79. study = dusty

80. robed = bored

81. clean = lance

82. stone = notes

83. dream = armed

84. tan = ant

85. earth = hater

86. top = pot

87. votes = stove

88. was = saw

89. who = how

90. yap = pay

91. bare = bear

92. ocean = canoe

93. meals = males

94. melon = lemon

95. smart = trams

96. pairs = Paris

97. stick = ticks

98. ropes = pores

99. what = thaw

100. heart = earth


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